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6672768192ffce0024ac275eCarbide Bur RA Cylinder, Flat End Fig 21- 6 PackCarbide Bur RA Cylinder, Flat End  Fig 21- 6 Pack

Ela Carbide Bur RA Cylinder, Flat End Fig 21 107 009 - Pack 6, 500 204 107 006 009

AUD26In Stock

Carbide Bur RA Cylinder, Flat End Fig 21- 6 Pack

Product Code : EL204T021009/6
Brand : ELA


  • Size: 009
  • Bur Code: Fig 21
  • Bur Shape: Cylinder, Flat End
Product Code:EL204T021009/6

Ela Carbide Bur RA Cylinder, Flat End Fig 21 107 009 - Pack 6

500 204 107 006 009

Product Information

1.Functional NameCarbide RA - ISO 204
2.Pack TypePack
3.Pack Size6 Pack
4.Manufacturer's CodeRA FIG.C21-009
5.Contents6 Burs
6.Product TypeBurs
7.Family NameELA Carbide Burs

Ela Carbide Bur RA Cylinder, Flat End Fig 21 107 009 - Pack 6, 500 204 107 006 009

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