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6672767f92ffce0024ac2722NiTin Molar (Long) Rings- Packs of 1 & 2NiTin Molar (Long) Rings- Packs of 1 & 2

Re-invent NiTin Molar (Long) Ring - Pack 1 > Nitinol drawn-wire nickel-titanium superior to stainless steel or laser-cut, solid NiTi. Super strong PEEK tips grip the infrabulge and are 48% harder to pop off than the other guys

AUD191.4In Stock
RE-INVENT NiTin Matrix System

NiTin Molar (Long) Rings- Packs of 1 & 2

Product Code : GARNT400-1
Brand : RE-INVENT NiTin Matrix System
Product Code:GARNT400-1

NiTin Molar (Long) Ring, NT400-1 - Pack 1

Product Information

1.Functional NameMatrix Rings
2.Pack TypeEach
3.Pack SizeEach
4.Manufacturer's CodeNT400-1
5.Contents1 Long Ring
7.Family Name["NiTin Molar (Long) Ring","NT400-1 - Pack 1 1"]

Re-invent NiTin Molar (Long) Ring - Pack 1 > Nitinol drawn-wire nickel-titanium superior to stainless steel or laser-cut, solid NiTi. Super strong PEEK tips grip the infrabulge and are 48% harder to pop off than the other guys

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