Gunz Dental AustraliaFounded in 1936, we are the largest Australian privately-owned dental products importer and distributor across Australia and New Zealand. At Gunz Dental we promise educated people who understand our customers’ needs, supplying relevant products and honest advice to help dental professionals provide the best possible care.
3A Wirriga Street5010Regency ParkAU
Gunz Dental Australia
3A Wirriga StreetRegency Park, AU
+611800025300"[email protected]
667276a592ffce0024ac2f00Two Striper MFS Finishing Diamond Bur FG 257 Round-End Taper - Pack 5Two Striper MFS Finishing Diamond Bur FG 257 Round-End Taper - Pack 5

MFS diamonds provide a very smooth surface when finishing composites, glass ionomer or porcelain restorations.

MFS-finished restorations reflect light, look natural and will not stain or retain plaque. Use two grits for best results.

MF1 (45µ)
MF2 (20µ)
MF3 (10µ)

AUD166.45In Stock

Two Striper MFS Finishing Diamond Bur FG 257 Round-End Taper - Pack 5

Product Code : PRE257MF2
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  • Grit: MF2
  • Shank Type: FG
  • Grit: MF2
  • Colour: Pink
Product Code:PRE257MF1

Two Striper MFS Finishing Diamond Bur FG 257 Round-End Taper MF1 - Pack 5

806 314 257 MF1

Product Information

1.Pack TypePack
2.Pack Size5 Pack
3.ContentsPack of 5
4.Supplier Code2015857
5.FunctionDiamond Finishing Bur FG

MFS diamonds provide a very smooth surface when finishing composites, glass ionomer or porcelain restorations.

MFS-finished restorations reflect light, look natural and will not stain or retain plaque. Use two grits for best results.

MF1 (45µ)
MF2 (20µ)
MF3 (10µ)

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