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62d8f5835b863184c705c500Premier Luminescence Applicators - Pack 50Premier Luminescence Applicators - Pack 50

Polish all surfaces in half the time. Luminescence is a patented, single-gel diamond polishing system. In less than two minutes, you can polish the surface of all restorative materials: composite, glass ionomer, compomer, amalgam, precious metal and enamel. Even porcelain achieves a lustrous surface in only minutes due to the optimal concentration of micron-sized diamond particles.

AUD169.51In Stock

Premier Luminescence Applicators - Pack 50

Product Code : PRE14206
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Product Code:PRE14206

Premier Luminescence Applicators - Pack 50

Polish all surfaces in half the time. Luminescence is a patented, single-gel diamond polishing system.

Product Information

1.FunctionPolishing Paste
2.Pack Size50 Pack
3.Supplier Code2014206
4.Pack TypePack
5.ContentsPack of 50

Polish all surfaces in half the time. Luminescence is a patented, single-gel diamond polishing system. In less than two minutes, you can polish the surface of all restorative materials: composite, glass ionomer, compomer, amalgam, precious metal and enamel. Even porcelain achieves a lustrous surface in only minutes due to the optimal concentration of micron-sized diamond particles.

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